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The Mechanics of Conflict
Conflict is an uncomfortable, yet unavoidable part of every workplace.
That’s not the first time you’ve heard this sentiment from us, and it won’t be the last. Because on the one hand, conflict has the potential to cripple organizational culture. But on the other hand, it can also fuel productivity, problem solving, and innovation. So an in-depth look at what conflict is, common approaches to it, and opportunities for improvement is more than warranted.
Read More…Be Loyal to Those Absent
Today, loyalty is often considered a sign of weakness. After all, if we have the opportunity to bash someone, to destroy their work and character, why shouldn’t we take it, especially when they are not in the room with us? Why not show ourselves as the stronger candidate, the better worker, the more powerful leader when the occasion presents itself? And if levelling destructive criticisms at someone who is absent is the way to achieve that end – well, let the end justify the means. The problem with that approach is that people around us lose respect for us and they quickly understand how we would treat them when they are not in the room. Yet there is something else – in being mean-spirited, we give people permission to treat us the same way. Why should we then be surprised to learn that someone was disloyal to us in our absence? Why should it come as a shock that when we were not present to defend ourselves, to advance the true position and to correct the narrative that we were taken advantage of? Life has a way of being circular and what goes around does seem to come around again and hit us in the face.
Read More…If people know that if you treat one person with respect, then under a different circumstance you would likely treat them the same way, even if there was some strain or pressure added.
– Stephen R. Covey
The Challenge of Human Capital
Human capital is the stock of habits, knowledge, social and personality attributes embodied in the ability to perform labour so as to produce economic value.
Is it possible with all our technological advancements that we have forgotten that human beings still and will continue to exist? Could it be that in all the talk about artificial intelligence (AI) that we have underestimated the power of human intelligence (HI)? After all, AI only exists and will continue to be a meaningful part of our lives because of HI. Newsflash and maybe spoiler – humans do have intelligence! The challenge for leaders is to understand that intelligence, harness it and direct it towards productive purposes that will have mutual benefits to the organization and people (its employees and those with a vested interest).
We hear the talk and sometimes we become afraid – AI is coming! Humans are here, waiting to be recognized as the intelligent lifeforce we are; waiting to be treated with dignity; waiting for opportunities to make a difference. And when humans engage in initiating that difference themselves, they want to get a fair shot of success.
Read More…“The key factor between the organizations that will sustain success and those that don’t will be the ability to engage one’s people to bring their very best”
– Shawn Moon, FranklinCovey
The Invisible Drain on Your Company’s Culture
In many workplaces, leaders are guilty of fostering a culture of insecurity because they believe people can be more easily led in that atmosphere. On the surface, it does not appear that productivity is suffering as a result of this approach. People keep performing out of worry of being reprimanded or fear that they could lose their jobs. However, productivity could be significantly more if the environment was conducive to trust and openness. All of us bring something different to the table, and when this diversity is celebrated rather than berated, the organization culture stands the chance of being renewed and positioned for greater success. After all, no matter how good we are individually, more is accomplished when we work collaboratively on the same tasks with the same purpose bringing to bear all that we are.
Read More…FranklinCovey Co. announces its new and exclusive International Partner in the Cayman Islands
FranklinCovey Cayman Islands
FranklinCovey, a global firm specializing in organizational performance improvement solutions, announced today the expansion of its international license partner operations with its new and exclusive Client Partner, OAWilliams Consulting, in the Cayman Islands. FranklinCovey operates directly in 11 countries, namely, the U.S., Canada, China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. FranklinCovey is also represented in more than 150 countries by an extensive network of 64 licensee partners with solutions translated and localized into more than 30 languages. FranklinCovey’s mission is to enable greatness in people and organizations everywhere. Among their highly-rated solutions are: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People ™, The 4 Essential Roles of Leadership ™, The 4 Disciplines of Execution™ and The 6 Critical Practices for Leading a Team ™.
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